5 Tips for Avoiding a Truck Accident this Summer
It’s summertime and for many people, that means a vacation that requires highway driving. One of the most stressful parts of highway driving is how to safely share the road with big trucks. An accident involving a car and a truck is almost always more serious than those between two cars due to the size and speed of a truck as well as the cargo it’s hauling. Protect yourself and your family this summer by following a few simple tips that can reduce your risk...
Avoid a Pedestrian Accident with These Do’s and Don’ts
It’s summertime and that means many more people of all ages will be out walking. As a driver this requires extra vigilance on your part when on the road. Below are some do’s and don’ts to help you avoid an accident involving a pedestrian. Do: slow down when you see someone walking. Pedestrian movements can be unpredictable. Decreasing your speed increases your reaction time. Do: make eye contact. If you can get a walker to connect with you eye to eye you can both have...
Stay Alert on Long Road Trips
Is a road trip part of your summer vacation plans? After Covid, many people are deciding to enjoy domestic travel this year. If your destination is far away it’s tempting to drive straight through to maximize the number of days at your vacation site. However, the risk of a car accident increases dramatically for drivers who are short on sleep. Consider the following statistics presented by the Automobile Association of America (AAA): Missing just two to three hours of sleep in 24 hours can quadruple...
3 Strategies for Preventing Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is dangerous. In 2018 alone it’s estimated that 400,000 people were injured in car accidents that involved a distracted driver and 2,800 were killed. Distracted driving can also quickly become a habit. The only way to break a bad habit is by changing your behavior. Below are three strategies aimed at addressing some of the most common reasons people make distracted driving errors that can lead to a car accident. Put your phone out of reach—talking texting, checking emails, weather and more on...
Don’t Let Sun Glare Blind You on the Road
Did you know that over 9,000 car accidents occur every year because of sun glare? Behind ice, rain, and snow, it’s the most common environmental cause of motor vehicle crashes. Sun glare can literally blind a driver, making it impossible to see the road. It only takes a few seconds of glare for an accident to happen. Below are some ways to cut the glare and be safer on the road. Adjust your drive time. Right after sunrise and right before sunset is the danger...
Help Your Teen Drive Safely This Summer
As the end of the school year draws near teens are itching to be done and get out and enjoy some summer fun. This year that desire may be particularly ramped up due to the restrictions young people have endured during the last two school years because of the coronavirus pandemic. Although your child may be chomping at the bit to get behind the wheel and head off to enjoy activities with their friends, it’s your role to help them stay safe and mindful of...
Beware of Bicycles
Schools are out and the days are longer and that means more bicyclists of all ages will be on the road. California also has the most cities ranked in the top 20 for bike commuting. All of this adds up to the need for extra vigilance both for drivers and bikers. Below are some common causes of bicycle accidents and how to avoid them. Distraction Drivers take their eyes off the road to answer a phone call, adjust the radio or GPS, eat, reach for...
The Most Common Injuries in Car Accidents
When you have been in a car accident, it can result in injuries all over your body. Some of these injuries can cause permanent damage and prevent you from living your life to the fullest. While some injuries can be minor and take days to heal, others can take years, and some may never mend. Hurt Upon Impact Smaller injuries like minor cuts heal more quickly than more serious issues. If you are in an accident, you will likely experience cuts on your body, and...
10 Ways to Detect a Troubled Driver
Studies have shown that one of the most effective ways to prevent a car accident is to drive predictively - that is, to look on at your neighboring drivers and stay “two steps ahead” to predict what their next move might be. This sounds akin to mind reading which, as we all know, is not possible. So how can it be done? As it turns out, predictive driving is less like mind reading and more like figuring out what the cars and trucks around you...
3 Common Types of Personal Injury
Have you ever experienced something that led to you sustaining an injury, but you felt unsure if that experience would be considered “bad” enough to file a personal injury lawsuit? Perhaps the latter has never even crossed your mind until now. You’re not alone! Many people experience events that can alter the course of their life or certainly make their lives more difficult for a significant amount of time, yet they’re left to figure it out on their own. This exact situation puts hundreds upon...