Accident Attorney

Jul 30 2024

Surprising Factors That Could Affect Your Case

When you're involved in a personal injury case, the outcome can hinge on more than just the obvious factors like medical reports and accident details. Surprisingly, several lesser-known elements can significantly influence the success of your claim. [firm-name] has outlined some of these factors so you can be mindful when it comes to dos and don’ts post-accident: 1. Social Media Activity What you post on social media can profoundly impact your personal injury claim. Insurance companies often scour social media profiles looking for anything that...

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Accident Attorney

Dec 6 2023

Sacramento Leaders in Law: Taking It Personally

“When I was young, my mother and I were in a serious accident involving a drunk driver,” says Jelena Tiemann, attorney at [firm-name]. “While I was OK, my mother was seriously injured. She survived, but the recovery was very difficult. It was a deeply traumatic event, and I’ve wanted to help people like my mother ever since. That’s why I became a personal injury lawyer.” Based in Sacramento, [firm-name] focuses exclusively on personal injury cases. Their work focuses on representing clients who suffered catastrophic injuries...

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Accident Attorney

Nov 8 2022

Beware of Fall Hazards on the Road

Avoiding motor vehicle accidents requires drivers to be vigilant at all times of the year, but each season brings its own set of unexpected risks. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles can all fall prey to the following autumn conditions on the road. Sleepy Drivers—when we turn the clocks back an hour, it can really mess with a person’s body clock and make them more tired and less alert. It can take a few weeks to adjust. Fatigued drivers may drift across the middle line in the...

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Accident Attorney

Oct 21 2022

Beware of Frightening Accidents on Halloween

It’s almost time for Halloween, and while this is typically a fun holiday for children (and some adults), it can also be when unexpected car and pedestrian accidents occur. Consider these scary statistics: Halloween is the single deadliest day for children and pedestrian car accidents. Only 30% of pedestrian Halloween accidents occur at crosswalks or intersections. The vast majority occur in other places, such as when someone darts out of a driveway or slips between parked cars. 63% of trick-or-treaters don’t carry a flashlight. Approximately...

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Accident Attorney

Oct 12 2021

Dealing with a Brain Injury After a Car Accident

Unfortunately, a traumatic brain injury (TBI), is one of the more common and most serious types of injuries that can occur after a motor vehicle accident. A brain injury is defined as an injury to the brain that occurs after birth and is not congenital, genetic, or the result of a degenerative condition such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. TBIs are usually caused by an external blow to the head or an object piercing the skull. Types of Damage Effects from a TBI can range from...

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Accident Attorney

Oct 8 2021

5 Benefits of Hiring a Local Personal Injury Lawyer

If you’ve suffered a traumatic injury after an accident you are probably overwhelmed with many difficulties. One of the most pressing is figuring out how to get the compensation you will need to get you through this challenging time and make you whole going forward. This is where an experienced, compassionate and local personal injury lawyer comes in. If you do an online search for “personal injury attorneys” you’ll find endless options. Why decide to go with an attorney in your area? Here are 5...

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Accident Attorney

Oct 4 2021

Do’s and Don’ts for Preventing Bike Accidents

In 2019 there were 846 bicyclists who died in traffic accidents according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Many of these crashes could have been avoided if both drivers and cyclists obeyed traffic laws and were diligent about watching out for one another. Below are some do’s and don’ts for preventing bike accidents: DO: Time your trip wisely. Most fatal bike accidents occur between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. As the sun sets visibility is limited and sun glare can...

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Accident Attorney

Sep 8 2021

School’s Open: Tips for Motorists

It’s back to school time and just as children are preparing for a new morning routine, drivers commuting to work need to adjust as well. The Automobile Association of America’s (AAA) annual campaign, “School’s Open – Drive Carefully” offers the following tips for drivers to protect children traveling to and from school: Build extra time into your morning schedule. Leave at least 15 minutes earlier than you do in the summer to compensate for congestion and bus stops. Be on the lookout for school zone...

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Accident Attorney

Aug 27 2021

Defensive Driving vs Distracted Drivers

We all know that texting while driving is both dangerous and illegal. Recent studies show that 1.6 million annual car crashes are attributed to someone using a cell phone while driving, and 14% of all fatal motor vehicle accidents involve cell phone usage. With these statistics in mind, there is no doubt there are distracted drivers on the road. A defensive driving mindset is necessary. Being aware of distracted drivers is your first line of defense. Here are some tips for recognizing a distracted driver, increasing your...

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Accident Attorney

Aug 2 2021

Seat Belts and Safety

It may seem hard to believe, but as recently as the 1980s only about 10% of Americans wore seat belts regularly when riding in a car. Fortunately, today this important safety feature has been widely adopted and even legally mandated. Seat belts are responsible for saving over one million lives! Make fastening your seat belt a habit. Put it on as soon as you get in the car before you even start the engine and insist that other family members do the same. This single...

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