Posted on Monday, August 26th, 2019 at 4:55 pm
Words hurt. There is no way around it. The old schoolyard taunt claiming that stones hurt, but words don’t is simply not true. Our words have consequences. For example, what you say after a car accident can hurt your ability to receive full compensation for your injuries and damages. Unfortunately, the moments and days after a car accident can be overwhelming and frustrating. It is common to be stressed and suffering from shock. It is easy to say things that you might not mean or don’t understand.
If another driver or witness hears the wrong thing, your injury claim could be denied or undervalued. If you said something that is now being used against you by the insurance company to fight your injury claim, contact a Sacramento car accident attorney immediately to discuss your options for pursuing your claim.
Common Statements That Can Hurt a Car Accident Claim
Some statements can be damaging to your attempt to recover compensation for injuries and damages caused by a traffic accident. Three of the worst statements you can make after a crash are:
I’m Not Hurt
It can be difficult to tell if you suffered injuries after a car crash. With the amount of adrenaline in your system, injury symptoms could be masked. Also, you may be in shock, which can prevent you from realizing you are experiencing symptoms of an injury for several hours after the crash. Some injuries could take several hours to manifest symptoms.
In any case, it is not a good idea to tell drivers and others at the accident scene that you are not injured. It is okay to say that you do not need an ambulance or emergency medical services, but you should avoid saying you are not injured. Only a doctor should determine whether you are injured after an accident.
I’m Sorry
You may not mean that you are taking responsibility for the cause of the crash when you say, “I’m sorry,” but an insurance company may accuse you of doing so. It may appear to be good manners to say you are sorry and you might mean that you are sorry that the crash occurred. However, these words said immediately after a car crash sound more like an admission of guilt than a simple case of good manners.
Even if you believe you could be partially at fault for the cause of the collision, you should avoid saying anything that could be construed as claiming fault. Admitting fault at the accident scene has several implications. You cannot know for sure what your involvement in the cause of the crash is until the crash is investigated and analyzed.
Also, an admission of guilt, even if the admission is not accurate, can result in less money for your claim. If the other party can convince a jury that your admission was true, your compensation can be reduced by the same percentage of fault assigned to you for the accident.
I Agree.
Do not agree to anything until you talk to an experienced car accident attorney in Sacramento. If you agree to settle the accident with the driver, you have no guarantee the driver will follow through with your agreement. If you settle the claim with the driver’s insurance company, you may receive less than your claim is worth. The insurance company will not tell you if it is offering a fair settlement for your accident claim. Take advantage of a free consultation with one of our lawyers to make sure the settlement offer is fair and just.
Contact a Sacramento Car Accident Attorney for a Free Case Review
Before you say anything that could hurt your injury claim, contact our Sacramento injury attorneys for a free consultation by calling The Tiemann Law Firm at (916) 999-9000 or by visiting our website.