Posted on Wednesday, November 11th, 2015 at 6:00 am
Sacramento medical malpractice lawsuits are intended to help injured people and their families recover the necessary financial compensation that was caused by the negligence of doctors or other medical professionals. As a Sacramento CA federal judge proved this week, the amount of recovery called for is often quite large in cases requiring ongoing care: $9.6 million.
On October 28, 2015, U.S. District Court Judge John Mendez ruled that Dr. Paul Davainis had waited too long to perform a C-section during a young child’s birth, despite evidence that the baby’s heart rate was worsening and that her mother would not be able to deliver the child normally. Accordingly, the federal judge awarded $9.6 million in damages to the 3-year-old girl, and an additional $250,000 in compensation for her mother, Micaela Palacio, due to her emotional distress during the delivery.
According to Judge Mendez, the girl will never be able to walk, talk, or care for herself. She cannot see and must be fed through a feeding tube into her stomach. She also suffers occasional seizures. Although we cannot imagine the pain and difficulty her and her family must endure every day, we are glad to see that they have now received at least some of the financial compensation they now need.
Sacramento Medical Malpractice Lawyers
If you or a family member has been injured due to the negligence of another — whether in a medical emergency or area car or truck accident — you should know that receiving financial compensation as a result is a real possibility. While every case is different, you can contact our Sacramento personal injury attorneys to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation about your case. This is your opportunity to learn more, and get the help you need to decide how to move forward.