Posted on Saturday, March 5th, 2016 at 3:29 am

Riding a motorcycle in Southern California can be breathtaking with the beautiful landscapes lining our highways; however, riding a motorcycle can also be extremely dangerous. For one motorcyclist, this is more than true. Jamie Rico has been in five motorcycle crashes since he began riding motorcycles with one accident breaking his spine. According to a statement provided to a local news channel Rico said, “It’s not if you are going to be in an accident, it’s when.”
According to the news report, motorcycle crashes and fatalities in California have increased twenty-three percent from 2003 to 2012. One reason may be the recession and higher gas prices forcing motorists to seek less expensive forms of transportation putting more motorcycles on the road. Other reasons for this trend may be that we have more inexperienced riders on the road than before and other motorists are not paying sufficient attention to the road and the presence of motorcycles.
Regardless of the reason why we are seeing more motorcycle accidents, the fact remains that motorcyclists are at a higher risk for serious injury in a motorcycle crash due to the lack of protection a motorcycle offers compared to other passenger vehicles. Motorcyclists must take precautions when riding including watching out for careless or distracted drivers. Motorcyclists must remain alert at all times to reduce the risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident.
As Mr. Rico pointed out, for most riders, it is not a matter of “if” they will be in a crash but it is a matter of “when” they will be in a motorcycle crash. Unfortunately, insurance companies take advantage of the unfair and unfounded misconceptions that all motorcyclists are dangerous and take unnecessary risks to reduce the compensation they must pay to motorcycle accident victims. One way some riders are fighting this is by wearing a Go Pro camera when they ride.
What is a Go Pro Camera?
A Go Pro camera is a small camera that a motorcyclist can mount to his or her helmet to video everything from the rider’s perspective. They are much like the cameras installed in racecars that provide audiences a glimpse of what the driver is actually seeing from inside the racecar. The Go Pro camera records everything that the motorcyclist sees including the seconds leading up to a crash. Because liability is often an issue in motorcycle accidents, the video from a Go Pro camera could be the piece of evidence that proves the other driver was at fault for the accident.
In the absence of eyewitness testimony, it may come down to a “he said, she said” case. The other driver and/or the driver’s insurance company may claim that the motorcyclist was speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, or driving recklessly. Having a video that shows exactly what occurred immediately prior to the accident is a vital piece of evidence for the accident victim. It can establish fault and result in a higher amount of compensation for the motorcyclist.
Contact an Experienced Sacramento Motorcycle Accident Attorney
Contact Tiemann Law Firm for your free consultation by calling (916) 999-9000 or chat with a representative on our website. You should not bear the financial burden of personal injury suffered in an accident caused by another person. Call our office today and let us help you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.